If you would like to help us honor Tig’s memory by protesting the release of his murderer, Chad Hamilton, from prison, please post a comment, including your first and last name, stating your opposition to his premature release from prison and/or a statement regarding the impact of the loss of Allen Fortune’s life on you or anyone you know. If you did not personally know Allen, you may also protest from the standpoint of a citizen who has interest in protecting the sacredness of life as well as the safety of your community.
Additionally, if you wish you may submit a personal letter of protest opposing the release of Chad Hamilton and/or expressing the impact of his crime such as the letters posted below. If you wish to keep your comments or letters confidential, you may e-mail them to me at angelafortune@hotmail.com as I will forward them to the Arkansas State Board of Parole for consideration.
Thank you for your time and effort in honoring my brother and inadvertently other victims of violent crimes who cannot speak for themselves.
Allen was a good man, and it was great to know him and work with him. God bless him and his family!!!
ReplyDeleteI was young when Allen passsed...and yet he still ment alot to me. My first day of school scared as I was he spoke to me. This to me made a very good impression. Allen was always there to help when needed. He loved his family. I will always love him and his family. May God Bless you all in all that you do.
ReplyDeleteAllen was a great person! I miss him dearly. You and your family have always had the sweetest spirits and that lives on to this day. I think about my times in school with Allen all the time. Please let me know if there is anything you need me to do.
Hillary Jones
Angela, I did not know your brother, but if he had half the sweet spirit and faith you do, then he was indeed an amazing young man. Any loss of life is devasating and to have his life cut so short was in itself tragic. His killer needs to serve out his punishment not only for himself but for all the others like him to think twice before taking life so carelessly. I had just moved to stuttgart when this happened and it was very sad. Thank you for being who you are and the kindness you showed my family during adversity. Love to you
ReplyDeleteI am noah, I did not know Allen but I think no murderer should be realsed early for no reason, unless proven innocent.From the story, this person was not proven innocent.Therefore, I comment on this wishing good luck and hope that Chad Hamilton stays in prison.
ReplyDeleteAlan was a wonderful boy whose life was stopped short. A life was taken and hearts were broken. The early release of Chad will do no one ,not even Chad himself any good. Chad took a life, and for that, he needs to be held accountable. I strongly oppose his release on September 2nd and I encourage anyone else who fears the release of a murder to do so as well.
ReplyDeleteI, Amber Haney, strongly oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton. As a close friend of Allen's sister, Angela, I have seen first hand the toll that Mr. Hamilton's actions have had on the Fortune family. I believe that Mr. Hamilton should serve out his entire sentence given that he took Allen's life with such wreckless disregard. Any person who takes another's life should serve out the sentence as administered by the judge and jury.
ReplyDeleteHow disheartening it is that someone that took a life is allowed to go free. I pray that he is not allowed to go free.
ReplyDeleteYou and your family are in my prayers.
If only after 5 yrs. a cold-blooded killer can be released from prison, is that justice? If that is considered justice the judicial system has failed the Fortune family and the rest of America.
ReplyDeleteI, JM, strongly oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton. He should serve what he was sentenced to serve. In JAIL, not in the community.
ReplyDeleteAllen was a wonderful man whose life was cut short by a stupid act. The world would have been a better place had he lived. The early release of Chad Hamilton is an insult to his memory and to his family. Nothing can bring him back but the murderer should be made to pay the price for his actions. If you committed the crime you should have to pay the time or so the saying goes. I personally don't think ten years is enough but that is what was appointed so that is the time that should be served.
If Mr. Hamilton is released after only five years what message does that send to other criminals? You can kill some one serve half of your sentence of only 10 years and go free.
ReplyDeleteI object with my whole heart to the release of Mr. Hamilton so soon. Please find it in yours to not release this man, who not only tore a family apart but also, ruined the innocence of the youth of our little town. Most of who witnessed the horrid death of their friend that night which is a night none of us will ever forget.
I beg you to not release this man into the community that he scared not so long ago.
I am a close friend of Angela. Though I did not know Allen, I attended his viewing. I oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton. When someone commits a horrific crime as murder there need to be consequenses. Five years in prison does not justify robbing a family of a loved one. Drunk, stupid, whatever the reason for the murder, murder is still murder. A man who consciously plunges a knife into another man and takes his life is not a man who should be back on the streets in five years.
James A. Hinton
I strongly oppose the early prison release of Chad Hamilton in September.
ReplyDeleteAs a close friend of Angela Fortune, Allen's sister, I have seen the grave and devastating impact the loss of her brother has been on her life. I believe that Allen Fortune can best be honored as we all stand together to support the Fortune family, remember Allen's legacy, and oppose the early prison release of Chad Hamilton.
Meredith White
I, Bethany Franklin, am opposed to the release of Chad Hamilton from prison. Allen Fortune was a wonderful friend, brother, son, and uncle to me and people I love. He was kind-hearted and gentle and fast to help in any way he could. The release of Chad Hamilton could put the community and people I love in jeopardy and compromise their safety. Please uphold justice, and expect a criminal to serve the sentence he was given. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteIt pains me to see that anyone would even consider letting a murderer out of prison even a day early, much less years. I knew Allen Fortune very well. He and his family have always been a very important part of my life. His sister Angela and I have been very close friends for many years. Allen's murder has had a tremendous impact not only on his family's lives, but also on every single person who knew him. He was a very loving, trusting, honorable man that anyone would be better for knowing. He also happened to be my very first kiss, which will always be special to me. I beg you to please keep Chad Hamilton in prison where he belongs. He is a threat to society and needs to be under constant supervision. I pray that one day he will come to know the severity of the decision he made that night. Only God can turn this man's life around. The Fortune family has been through enough heartache and turmoil to last a dozen lifetimes. Please let this part of their nightmare end by keeping Chad Hamilton in prison.
ReplyDeleteSomeone who has taken a life should not be set free to walk when a person they have killed can not do the same. Please DO NOT release Chad Hamilton from prison. This is my citizen's protest.
ReplyDeleteAnjula Gupta
Angela - I never got a chance to meet you, but Allen was my first serious boyfriend. As a young, naive 16 year old, Allen showed me how it was to live, to have fun, and be a little more carefree than I was. He was two years older than me and going to a different school, so he gave me a huge confidence boost as a teen! My mom absolutely adored him, and I was always excited to get to be with him and double date with Zach on the weekends. To me, he was the first person I truly cared for, and he treated me with so much respect and love. Four years later, I was fortunate to move back home after being away at college in January of 2004, and got a chance to catch up with my first boyfriend and see eachother every now and then. I truly believe that it was God's will that I was sent back home for that semester of school to see Allen a few more times..However, to hear that his murderer, Chad Hamiliton, has a chance to cut his term short, after he cut Allen's life short is beyond absurd to me. Chad Hamiliton was coherent that night, no matter what he says. And so he should have to pay his full life to us because he took a part of many people's lives away when he took Allen. As Zach said in his letter, Chad has a choice to have many things in his life if he so chooses, but he took everything away from Allen, he took his choice away to live. So Chad shouldn't be rewarded with life outside of a penitentary...He should have to pay his dues, even though anything he does will never bring back the life that he decided to take in May 2004.
ReplyDeleteAllen, i miss and think of you all of the time. I think of you everytime I think about Zach,Lauren, and Keaton, I think about you every May, and I think about you when anytime there are stars in the sky. I hope you can read this, and Ill see you one day soon!
God bless the Fortune and Byers family
I am ABSOLUTELY OPPOSED to the release Chad Hamilton from jail. I believe that he has not served the right amount of time to justify this crime. It was a heinous action on his behalf and to me there is no set amount of time to reconcile it. Allen was a very close friend of mine and it saddens me dearly to not have him in this world with me anymore. I believe that one day God will have his justice with the accused. I will always keep Allens spirit alive around me with memories that I can recollect of all we did together. I also keep all of his family and close friends in my prayers. So in closing please do not allow for the release of this murderer. It would be a crime in itself if this happens..........
Unfortunately, I did not know Allen. However, I am a friend of his sister, Angela. I cannot imagine the pain and suffering this family has endured due to the actions of Mr. Hamiltion. The Fortunes no longer have the opportunity to share their lives with Tig. Mr. Hamiltion should not be able to share his live with anyone either. He should have to serve his full sentence without parole. Therefore, I strongly oppose his release!!!
ReplyDeleteI oppose the realese of Chad Hamilton. I think it sends the wrong message. Tig will be missed by his family and friends forever. Letting him out of prison early should be out of the question!!
ReplyDeleteMisty Wiseman
I am absolutely opposed to the release of Chad Hamilton from prison. Allen was a close friend of mine and I am greatly saddened that this world no longer has him in it. I also know Angela and Zach very well and it breaks my heart to see their pain. The world lost a kind-hearted, fun loving, friendly, and amazing man when it lost Allen. He was just one of those people that would do anything for you and could always put a smile on your face. I am blessed to have been able to call him friend. I believe that it would be a crime in itself to release Chad Hamilton on parole. A murderer should have to pay for his actions. I think Zach said it really well when he said that Chad Hamilton took all of Allen's choices and his future away but that one day Chad Hamilton will still be able to do all the things that Allen should have been able to do. Thank you for your time.
ReplyDeleteTara Adams
As a citizen of this community (and a friend of Angela Fortune), I, Carrie Simpson, am opposed to the early relase of Mr. Chad Hamilton. He has been convicted of a crime and a sentence was set. We must all pay consequences for our actions...what kind of example does this set if Mr. Hamilton is relased from his sentence early?
ReplyDeleteOn a personal note...Angela, please know that I will be praying for you and your family.
I, Brian Atkins, strongly oppose the early release of Mr. Hamilton. The original sentence seemed far too short, and an early release would be an insult to the victim's family. An early release sets a negative precedent for any other would-be murderer.
ReplyDeleteI have known the Fortune family all my life. I never had the chance to meet Allen but I know from his friends he was a fine young man.
ReplyDeleteI believe when someone takes a life as Chad Hamilton did they should have to serve their full sentence. As far as I am concerned, he should have received life for taking an innocent persons life. He certainly shouldn't be paroled before he serves his full time.
Chad Hamilton took a life. He deserves to spend every second of his sentence, and then some, behind bars. Please do not grant his request for early parole. One day, all too soon, he will be able to spend time with his family and live his life. Allen Fortune won't see his family again until they meet in Heaven.
ReplyDeleteIf Chad Hamilton is released from prison I believe that if he is provoked another young innocent life could be taken. His sentence that he was given was far too short and if it was ever possible to give him more time I believe they should.
ReplyDeleteI, Stacey Knoll, have known Allen since I was little. My cousin married his older brother and though he was not real blood he always called me his little cousin and he would have done anything for me.He was the sweetest,kind hearted, loving man. The night he died was the night of my senior prom and I will never forget that night and not in a good way. To think that someone can take a person's life and be sentenced to only ten years and then only have to serve five of his ten years seems so wrong to me how can a life be of such little value. That night changed my family, his best-friend and all those who knew and loved Allen lives forever. Allen will never be able to be a husband or a father and Chad Hamilton still has that option.To think our justice system has resorted to letting murders out on good behavior after only serving half their sentence scares me as a citizen. He should never be able to be up for parole his sentence was way to short to begin with for having taken a life and he should at least have to serve his sentence. Four months ago his family were told by the court that he would not be able to be considered for parole for another year, and yet here we are again four months later fighting again to keep him in jail and having to relive that night again; havin to experience that night once was too many. When considering Chad Hamilton for parole please keep in mind if you would want a cold blooded murder out on the streets at night that could potentially harm you,your family, or someone else.
ReplyDeleteAllen was a good, kind, decent, fine young man and much loved by his family and friends. His passing has forever affected the lives of those who loved him and his absence has left a deep void that can never be filled.
ReplyDeleteThat the person responsible for this could possibly be allowed to walk free after only a short time after Allen’s death is inconceivable and unjust. That his friends and family have been put in a position that they must try to convince the justice system of this is sad.
My thoughts, prayers, had best wishes are with Angela and her family. God be with you and God bless you.
I did not know Allen, but I have seen how it has affected Angela. That year was very tough and his murder was not something Angela's family should ever have had to deal with.
ReplyDeleteChad Hamilton should not get time off for good behavior. He should serve the full sentence if for no other reason than to show that punishments for severe crimes will not be shortened.
Its a sad thing to lose someone to murder. A life cut short unnecessarily. And I strongly believe that no parole should be granted for the person who committed this crime. Especially a person who has shown no remorse about his crime and who is doing everything he can to get himself released from prison including forcing family members to relive his heinous crime. He should not be released from prison and should serve his maximum sentence. No parole should be granted simple as that.
ReplyDeletethere is no doubt this person is guilty of the crime. and im a little confused as to why a killer can be realeased from prison, ever! i mean he took a man's life and many many people saw it happen!! this man should not be realeased in setpember or ever in my opinion!
ReplyDeletei didnt personally know Allen but i was there when it happened and saw how all my close friends were effected for the rest of their lives! no parole should be granted!
Don't let Chad Hamilton out on parole. The sentence he was given still sin't as long as it should be. Why would anyone think he should get out without serving the hole thing. The release of Chad Hammilton would be the worse possible outcome that could happen.
ReplyDeleteI love Angela and her family. She is soo precious to me, a dear friend, and a child of God! Seeing her go through this tragedy is heart-breaking and should open the eyes of everyone, because everyone has someone that they love. Your life would be devastingly impacted if you lost a loved one to murder. The most horrible crime is to take the life of the innocent. Some criminals may have done crimes that are deem able for release prior to full sentence. A person who performed a MURDER should never be considered for early release, no matter intentions, cause, or emotional state. Why should Chad, who took the life of an innocent victim, be allowed to get out of his penalty and have opportunities that he robbed from Allen? Good behavior does not equal a sound mind or a remorseful morality. The fact that a man can kill…means he has the potential to be “unsafe”, a danger to society forever? Even if he is judged to be at “safe level”-at this parole hearing, He has a crime to pay! Allen is sweet, kind-hearted, thoughtful, and has so many positive character traits. There are no “do-overs” for murder and there shouldn’t be a minimized punishment...not only for his own penalty but for the sake of those affected by this horrible crime. Death is inevitable, that only God has control of...but death from a malicious selfish man is demoralizing and early parole should not considered.
ReplyDeleteI, Andrea Livingston, believe that Chad Hamilton should be held for the full sentence. There should be firm consequences to murdering someone so young. What message does it send to society about the strength of our legal system if someone commits murder, is sentenced for a certain time, and then released early? It says that anyone can get away with anything because the consequences aren't that bad. The punishment should fit the crime and be consistent.
ReplyDeleteThe Fortune family has suffered enough and they need to know that their precious brother & son did not die in vain. He deserves to be honored as if he were a soldier. He died protecting others. Please do not let Chad Hamilton out of jail early.
I, Shannon Roberts, am opposed to the early release of Chad Hamilton. Allen was an easy-going, kind, and energetic person. It is sad to think how short of a life he was allowed to live and all the wonderful things in life he was unable to experience (such as getting married and raising a family of his own.) I am honored to have called Allen my friend. I know Allen's death had a devastating impact on his family and close friends. I feel that no murderer should be allowed the option of early parole. They made the mistake and they should pay the time. Chad Hamilton took away a promising future from Allen, and I feel that Chad Hamilton deserves to serve his whole sentence for the crime he committed.
ReplyDeleteMay God Bless the Fortune family. Please do not release Chad. He has killed once...who says he won't again? Please keep him in jail.
ReplyDeleteAs I set and read Angela's words as her heart is breaking and the words of others, I find myself continuing to hurt for the family and friends that Chad Hamilton inflicted eternal pain upon that night. Not just because of him ending Allen's life, and not only the lives of us who are here to remember the events, but I truly feel he hastened the death of his dear sweet mother who was fighting for her life through her physical illness. I am not only a cousin to Angela and her family, I am a very close friend to the family where Allen's death occurred. I know that everyone involved that night, if only in a small way, will always ask, "Is there anything I could have done?" How a person can arbitrarily take another life and then have the audacity to ask for release from the confines he was placed, because of his actions is beyond my realm of thinking. In cutting Allen's life short, Mr. Hamilton robbed Allen from extending his heritage on to his own children that will never come to pass. Why should Mr. Hamilton have the pleasure of living outside the prison walls that he created for himself. Everyone is responsible for their actions, and his actions that fateful night formed for him his own future, and that is to live out his sentence behind the bars of an Arkansas state prison. It is with my heart felt plea to you the Arkansas Prison Board of Appeals to deny the parole of this man that took the life of Allen Fortune.
ReplyDeleteI did not know Allen personally. But I do know his story. I know the family he left behind. I know that there is no justice in letting a man convicted of killing another man have a life outside of bars. The fact that Chad Hamilton is up for early parol after KILLING SOMEONE is outragous. Hearing this story is enough to make me lose my faith in the American Justice System. Please restore my faith. Please keep Chad in jail where, as an animal, he belongs. Matt Vick - Rome, GA
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI, AnnaLee Livingston, strongly oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton. I have walked beside the Fortune family during their darkest hours and have seen the anguish this man has caused them. Chad Hamilton's release before his time is served would only deepen these wounds.
ReplyDeleteI implore the Parole Board not only for the sake of the Fortune family but also for the community where Chad Hamilton has already proven himself to be a continued threat. Leaving the state while on house arrest, only to be arrested while intoxicated and carrying a weapon, serve as red flags that another young person could find himself or herself in harm's way just as Allen Fortune did on the night he lost his life. The pain the Fortune family has experienced is a pain no family should ever have to live through.
With deepest respect I ask that you allow Chad Hamilton to finish out his sentence. Mr. Hamilton still has a whole life in front of him and every opportunity that Allen Fortune had so suddenly taken away from him.
I oppose the release of Chad Hamilton. I love the Fortune family and have seen the pain Chad Hamilton has caused them. Early parole should not be an option for taking another person's life. I hope and pray Mr. Hamilton will make a difference in someone else's life but at present he must serve his sentence.
Amy Clements
I am in agreement with the Fortune family that Chad Hamilton should NOT receive early release from prison. Chad murdered Allen and was convicted for it and should serve the time of his punishment for doing so. To release him would be a crime against his family and the citizens of the US. Please honor Allen and his family and friends by making Chad Hamilton serve the time he was sentenced to serve for taking an innocent life. The Fortune family is very dear to my heart -- a godly, loving family -- and deserves this peace of mind. God bless you all.
ReplyDeleteChrissy Vick
I, Stephanie Gwin, strongly oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton. I knew Allen for a long time, and had the pleasure of working with him for a while. He was a very sweet guy, very involved with family and friends, and would do anything for anyone. The crime against him was senseless and heartbreaking as it affected so many lives. The man responsible for taking Allen's young life should remain behind bars for the rest of his. He should not be allowed to enjoy all the things that Tig will not. Please keep Chad Hamilton out of society and behind bars where he belongs.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the early release of Chad Hamilton would be an injustice. He was sentenced and should have to serve out his sentence - in prison. Like his siblings, Allen would have been a great contributor to our community, our state, and our nation. Allen Fortune will never hold his child, he will never know the joy of grandchildren because of the selfish choices that Chad Hamilton made. Please do not give Chad Hamilton the chances that he has denied Allen Fortune.
ReplyDelete- Nathan White
I had a great friendship @ college w/ Allen as well as outside of classes. Allen was a man of wonderful character with qualities few poeple ever posses.He was a person I admired in excellent vaules and morals. I was heart broken that his presents was taking away from my life as well as the world. he made the world a better place by existing in it now we all have to put on hold to give him a hug and see his lovely smile. I hope that Chad Hamilton remains behind bars to realize he didn't just take Allen's life but the lifes of his family and friend that loved and cared for deeply.
ReplyDeleteI, Tiphani Wood, oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton. I feel that his sentence was not enough in the beginning, but to release him before his sentence has been served is an injustice. Tig was a good guy that didn't deserve to die. If Chad Hamilton is released early, we are telling society that murder is only as bad as a drug charge.
ReplyDeleteI protest from the standpoint of a citizen who has interest in protecting the sacredness of life as well as the safety of your community.
ReplyDeletePlease take into consideration of all the ones that witnessed this horrible nightmare and will forever have them. This was a great guy that would do anything for anyone, and a uninvited guest showed up and ruined the lives of everyone, even the ones that were having the afterparty.PLEASE CONSIDER THE OTHERS INVOLVED
The Bible says "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth".....since this was not enforced with Chad Hamilton in the beginning, the VERY LEAST that should be done is he should have to serve out his sentence, with no parole!
ReplyDeleteI lived near the Fortune family for the better part of 20 years. You do not see a more honest, hard-working, Faithful family than they are. First, they must endure the heartache of this senseless act that cost them Allen, and then his mother passes with a broken heart. No family should EVER be asked to endure even this.... let alone the pain and INSULT that would be inflicted upon them if Chad Hamilton is released early. I see Allen's Dad (or the shell of the man that used to be his Dad) on a daily basis. If the parole board can look into this broken man's face, and tell him that they are releasing his son's murderer early....then God help you!
Please, please let the denial of Chad Hamilton's parole set an example to our young people that there are, indeed, consequences for each and every one of our actions. This seems to be something that this society has lost sight of!!
I, Rochelle Boyce, very strongly oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton. I never had the chance to meet Allen but I've been blessed to know his sister Angela. The Fortune family has already been through so much and deserves to see this man serve the rest of his sentence. Letting Chad Hamilton free early is not justice. Please keep this injustice from happening.
ReplyDeleteI am a very good friend of Angela, and it has always broken my heart to hear her speak about what has happened to her brother. I know that the pain is deep and seems like it will never fully heal, and I do believe that the early release of the gentleman who murdered her brother is an unjustice to say the least. I oppose the early release of Allen's murderer.
ReplyDeleteI, Mandy ElBayly, strongly oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton from prison. I did not know Allen Fortune, but I am a friend of his sister, Anglea, and knew her at college. Knowing Angela, I'm certain Allen was an awesome man of God who was taken from earth way too soon. I can't imagine the pain and suffering Angela and her family have had to endure. I can't even begin to grasp the concept that a cold-blooded murderer could be released after only a couple of years in jail to go out and be given the opportunity to commit the same crime again. I see it in the news all too often - the rapist or murderer who gets out only to rape or murder again. Where is the justice in that???
ReplyDeleteI, Beth Hester, strongly oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton. He was convicted of murder,and he should serve his entire sentence. I have witnessed the effects his cruelty towards Allen had and continues to have on my dear friend, Angela. Allen deserves to be honored for saving the lives of his friends, and he does not deserve to be disrespected by letting his murderer go free. I am asking you to make the right decision by allowing Mr. Hamilton to serve his complete sentence.
ReplyDeleteI've lived in the same community with the Fortune family all my life. My children grew up with Allen and his siblings. It affected the whole community when Allen was murdered. I would ask that the Parole Board please consider all those that were affected by this terrible tragedy. What does it tell our young people when murders do not have to serve the sentence that their peers have decided were their fate for the crime they've committed? Please do not let Chad Hamilton be paroled. Sincerely, Cindy Shelton
ReplyDeleteA person who takes the life of another should not be able to live in society. They should have to sit out thier sentence and think everyday of the misery he brought to all of Allen's family and everyone who knew what kind of person Allen was to all how knew him.
ReplyDeleteI , Crystal Seyller Unger, oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton from prison.
ReplyDeleteI have known Angela and her family from a very young age, we all grew up together and I have so many great memories with them.
Allen was such a sweet, kind hearted guy. Even though we all saw him as a little brother, he felt it his duty to make sure Angela, Myself, and all of the others in our close knit group were safe from harm. He had such a protective nature about him. We need more individuals like that in our community and in our lives.
I ask you to consider the great loss that his dear family, his many friends and even our community as a whole has had in losing Allen. Chad Hamilton killed a son, a brother, a friend, an uncle and all the possibilities Allen had to fulfill the many roles a young man should in his lifetime. Chad should not be released prematurely.
I, Deidre Stewart, greatly oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton committed a horrible crime that has had many devastating affects on the victim's family and left a man who did not get to live out his full life. This murderer took the life of an innocent man who was trying to do the right thing which he did his whole life. The Fortune family has gone through more grief than any person should ever endure. I plead on behalf of a taken life and the family and friends that plead for justice, to not release Mr. Hamilton early, as it would be an injustice to our judicial system, the Fortune family, and to Allen himself.
ReplyDeleteDeidre Stewart
As the Fortune family and friends once again relive the torrmented events surrounding such an untimely death, while trying to see that justice is served, I ask that you read through all the letters and comments of so many people whose lives Allen touched, and do what is right by not approving the early release of Chad Hamilton. We still have to live with the consequences of Chad's actions every day and so should he.
ReplyDeletePatty Osburne
To Members of the Arkansas Parole Board:
ReplyDeleteYou are the arbiters who will determine when justice has been served for the slaying of Allen Fortune. I ask that you deny the request for early release by Chad Hamilton because his continued incarceration will only be a small portion of his life...Allen's loss was forever.
To Members of the Arkansas Parole Board:
ReplyDeleteOn behalf of the Fortune family, I request you deny the parole of Chad Hamilton. He has proven to be a risk to the community the night he murdered our friend, Allen Fortune. Given the right opportunity, Chad would take the life of someone else's friend or family member.
I went to school with Allen at Grand Prairie Evangelical Methodist. He was a loyal friend and always helped those in need, just like he did the night Chad took his life. Allen was a peacemaker and taken way too soon.
Again, please deny Chad's parole. He hasn't even served half of his sentence for one of the most brutal of all crimes.
Thank you for your consideration as you listen to our requests.
I, Lauren Osburne, strongly oppose the release of Chad Hamiliton, the murderer of Allen Fortune.
ReplyDeleteI am a close friend of the Fortune's and grew up with Allen. Allen was like a older brother to me and was such a kind and wonderful person. I ask the parole to deny Chad Hamiliton's parole not only for Allen's family and friends sake but also for the community of Stuttgart. The suffering has been tremendous for both the community and all of those who knew Allen personally. I just ask you keep all this in mind when making your decision.
Lauren Osburne
Chad Hamilton MUST NOT be allowed ANY early release from prison--TEN YEARS are too few to serve for his crime! Please show that life is considered sacred by our society by DENYING the early release of Chad Hamilton, the murderer of Allen Fortune.
ReplyDeleteI, Michael Patton, oppose HAMILTON's early release from prison. I never had the privilege of meeting Allen, but I know his sister Angela very well. The United States is a very small percentage of the entire world's population, yet we house over 25% of the worlds prisoners. This is because our country operates under a broken criminal justice system. Criminals do very little time in prison for their crimes and the far majority re-offend shortly after release. The ONLY way to guarantee HAMILTON will not hurt someone else is to keep him locked up or seek the death penalty. Since the death penalty is not an option in this case please deny his parole. Thank You-
ReplyDeleteMichael Patton
To the Arknsas Parole Board:
ReplyDeleteI, Gabriela Snell and my husband, Gregory Snell stronly urge you NOT to release Chad Hamilton. The cruel murder of Allen Fortune has affected not only his family, but also his friends and community. They have not recovered from the shock and grief Chad Hamilton inflicted on them. The murder of Allen Fortune should not be taken so lightly as to release his killer after so little a time as a person who has committed a much lesser offense. We feel that the Fortune family would be caused an injustice were Chad Hamilton to be released. Therefore, please consider our plea.
Gabriela & Gregory Snell
To the Arkansas Parole Board:
ReplyDeleteI, Charles Wright Jr strongly request that you deny parole to Chad Hamilton. The tiny sentence that he received for the terrible murder of Allen Fortune was very unfortunate, and the fact that nearly constantly since his conviction the Fortune family has had to fight to keep this murderer behind bars is a great burden upon them.
Chad while out on appeals has taughted the Fortunes including the niece and nephews of Allen driving by thier house, staring at them, yelling threats at them, and telling the older Fortunes that he will seek revenge upon release. This has left fear in the hearts of a family that has done no wrong, yet the life of their son, their brother, uncle, friend was taken away while only breaking up a fight, rather than being involved in one to begin with.
If Chad Hamilton is released, this will cause great harm to the family of the victim here, and of course Chad will not have remotely served even the very light sentence that he received just 3 years ago.
I am friends with the Fortunes, and have had the enjoyment of Allen, doing many things for me, including pulling out my tractor when stuck, feeding my cows when my son was born and was in NICU for 3 months. Bringing me firewood during the 2 weeks without power in the 2000 ice storm, etc... I could not have asked for better neighbors.
I have watched Allen, Angella, and Stoney grow into fine adults. Todd was already grown when I moved to Casscoe and already not living at home. Angella (baby girl) is such a very fine young woman, she seeks Christ at every turn, She abstains from evil, seeks good. She is the type of woman that most men try so hard to find. This gives me hope that there may be an older version of herself out there somewhere, and gives light to the world. Allen was always johnny of the spot if anyone ever needed help. He was a premmie when he was born, he had many struggles in life. A kinder, gentler person you would never find, he would remind you of Hoss on Bonannza he was always respectful, and he always loved to help others. Larry is the Father, and after Allen was killed he became a shell of his former self. Larry is withdrawn, but is still very community minded, and takes his Christianity to heart as he in addition to his busy lives, seeks to help all those around him, actively seeking how to help and love all that he touches. Jeannie was the mother, and was driven to an early grave by this incident. She died just after the 2nd trial and never recovered from the greving process.
If Chad is released it is my opinon that he will continue the path he has been on the past, that he will continue to haunt the Fortunes, and that others will die in the process, either from him succeeding in his threats, or from one of the Fortunes in self defense, upholding their 2nd amendment rights, that when he breaks in, and attempts to take their lives, that they take his while protecting themselves and their children.
Please keep Chad for his full term, he has already proven to not be trustworthy, and the terror that he provides to the Fortunes, and the violence that he promises to bring to them upon release should surely justify him remaining behind bars for the duration of his light sentence.
Upon completion of his sentence, I recommend a stern conversation with him about seeking revenge upon the Fortunes, as I do fear that this is not yet over.
Thank you
Charles L. Wright Jr.
I am writing to express my support of denying Chad Hamilton parole and to request he be required to face the maximum penalty to which he was sentenced. Hamilton must be held accountable for his actions and must accept the consequences.
ReplyDeleteTen years is already to little to serve for taking a life, please don't allow Chad Hamilton to serve any less.
Jamie Reyes
I strongly oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton from prison. It's unimaginable for me to think of losing a family member in cold blood and then seeing his or her murderer be released from prison after serving only a fraction of his or her sentence. I fear for the Fortune family, the citizens of Arkansas, and anyone else that may cross paths with Mr. Hamilton. My understanding is that he has a history of violence. I don't understand how he is even eligible to be considered for parole. Please help to protect those mentioned above and keep Mr. Hamilton where he belongs to be, at least for the duration of his sentence. I didn't know Allen Fortune personally, but as a friend of his sister, I can only imagine what an awesome and loving person he was. It's very sad to me to think that his life was taken by such a senseless act.
ReplyDeleteMandy Hinton ElBayly
Fairfax, Virginia
Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas graduate
I did not know Allen personally, he was older than me and unfortunately, I only saw him a time or two around town before his life was tragically cut short. As a mother of two young boys, it both saddens and scares me to think that a murderer could be let loose on the streets and has come so close to freedom. A life is unlike anything else: once gone, it only leaves an imprint on those it touched; however, that life is forever gone, and those whom it touched, forever changed. I oppose Chad Hamilton's release from prison because he not only murdered Allen Fortune, but broke the hearts and souls of those who were close to him.
ReplyDeleteJillian Bogy
I think it's grossly irresponsible to consider early release for this person. I certainly hope the state of Arkansas puts a higher value on human life, the life taken, and the lives of the victim's family that has already been threatened by Chad Hamilton upon his release. I oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton as he is a murderer that society as a whole needs protected from and proper justice needs to apply to him which does not include early release.
ReplyDeleteAdam ElBayly
As an American, I'm apalled that the state of AR would consider releasing a murderer after serving such a short amount of his ten year sentence. This county is founded on principles that value precious life and condemns murder. Allen Fortune died at a young age when trying to help and his family has been threatened by Chad Hamilton, this is not a person or a crime that justifies "early release." I can only hope the AR parole board will be held personally responsible for any further criminal action if they unwisely decide to grant early release. I passionately oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton.
ReplyDeleteDavid Fischer
I oppose the possible early release of Chad Hamilton. I think his sentence is short to begin with, he took a life and this translation of justice does not make sense to consider early release. I am a Christian and I wish there was more I could do for the Fortune family. I certainly believe that early release for Chad Hamilton is a bad decision, not only because he took a life, but because he is still a danger to the public.
ReplyDeleteAnthony Hider
As I understand the situation, a killer wants an early release from prison rather than serve a 10 year term of incarceration. Further, the circumstances regarding the homicide involve a trespasser, Chad Hamilton, who gets into an argument with strangers at a party to which he had no legal right to attend and when asked to leave by one of the people at the party, stabs that man in the heart and kills him. Later, he also threatens the victim's family. After serving about 3 years in prison, he now wants or expects an early release. On what grounds? Has he really paid his just debt to society? Is a law abiding person's life only worth 3 years of imprisonment for a killer? Has Chad Hamilton expressed true remorse for his crime or demonstrated valid signs of rehabilitation? As a family friend and concerned citizen, I OPPOSE ANY EARLY RELEASE FOR Chad Hamilton. An early release from prison should not be an expected right but a privilege. What should be the real issue for consideration is not the eligibility of a CONVICTED KILLER, who perpetrated a vicious crime against a defenseless victim, for early release but whether the rights of the victim's family and Society will be made whole with the early release of this CONVICTED KILLER. I do not think so!!!
ReplyDeleteI am once again amazed that this man, Chad Hamilton is up for parole. What a sad day! My son witnessed Tig's murder and testified at the trial. As Tig tried to stop a fight, he was brutally stabbed, as the coward, Chad Hamilton ran away. This was just one of many times Chad Hamilton was involved in a crime. He should never be allowed to be released to harm another person and devastate another family! I hope you respectfully consider the many letters in which you have received and keep chad Hamilton behind bars where he belongs.
ReplyDeleteHi My name is 'Bruno Rico' just want to share my experience with the world on how i got my love back and saved my marriage... I was married for 7years with 2kids and we lived happily until things started getting ugly and we had fights and arguments almost every time... it got worse at a point that she filed for divorce... I tried my best to make her change her mind & stay with me cause i loved her with all my heart and didn't want to loose her but everything just didn't work out... she moved out of the house and still went ahead to file for divorce... I pleaded and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spell caster who eventually helped me out... I have never been a fan of things like this but just decided to try reluctantly cause I was desperate and left with no choice... He did special prayers and used roots and herbs... Within 7 days she called me and was sorry for all the emotional trauma she had cost me, moved back to the house and we continue to live happily, the kids are happy too and we are expecting our third child. I have introduced him to a lot of couples with problems across the world and they have had good news... Just thought I should share my experience cause I strongly believe someone out there need's it... You can email him via akhidenorlovespell@gmail.com Don't give up just yet, the different between 'Ordinary' & 'Extra-Ordinary' is the 'Extra' so make extra effort to save your marriage/relationship if it's truly worth it.
ReplyDeleteI am Shana, wants to say a big thank you thank you thank you to Dr Eromosele spell for everything . To everyone who doesn’t believe in spell, I was one of those ones at first. I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to do this since I’ve tried others so-called spells casters and they did not work and was a waste of my time and money. However, when I read through the testimonies of other people at this website and after I talked to Dr Eromosele who answered all my questions and was very nice and sincere about everything, I decided to give it a try. I figured it would be my last try to get my guy back. So my story is that I was at my office when the guy I am in love with told me that he wasn’t in love with me and never will be and that he didn’t want to speak or see me again, especially since he was talking to this other girl. When I talked to Dr Gumbala about it, he let me know which spells would be most appropriate for me and I chose the ones that was to get my lover back to me and stay with me and even marry me.As soon as he casted the spells,within two days my guy came back into my life! It was a miracle to me and I’m so thankful for that. Things have been going well, and pretty much according to what Dr Eromosele said would happen. He’s always there when you need him,you can contact him via email eromosalelovespell@outlook.com,so make extra effort to save your marriage/relationship if it's truly worth it. you can also call (Dr Eromosele) on +2347034673139.