Monday, August 16, 2010

Please Help Us Honor Allen "Tig" Fortune's Memory By Protesting Chad Hamilton's Release From Prison

Dear Friends and Family,

As Allen Fortune’s sister, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving my brother during his short time here on earth, and continuing to honor his memory even after his death. Many of you have kept Allen’s memory alive with words of encouragement to our family, letters, phone calls, and most importantly, prayers.

I also have all of you to thank for standing with our family in opposition to Chad Hamilton’s, Allen’s murderer, many attempts to be released prematurely from prison. We have been told that it has been your comments to this blog, signatures on petitions, and opposition letters that have helped convince the parole board to keep Chad Hamilton from receiving early release from prison thus far.

However, it is breaking my heart once again to be asking all of you to join with us again in opposing Chad Hamilton’s early release from prison. We have been informed that he will most likely be released this September (he was given a 10-year sentence in October 2007). There are a couple of ways you can help us try to prevent this from happening:

--PRAY: Ask God to have full reign over this situation, to hear our pleas, but that His will be done above all else.

--LEAVE A COMMENT: (before September 2nd): You can honor Allen’s memory by clicking on the word “Comment” at the end of this post

  • Here, I would love for you to leave a comment expressing your opposition to Hamilton’s premature release from prison and/or a statement regarding the impact of the loss of Allen Fortune’s life on you or anyone you know. If you did not personally know Allen, you may also protest from the standpoint of a citizen who has interest in protecting the sacredness of life as well as the safety of your community. Please feel free to sign your name or leave it anonymous based on your preference.

If you wish to keep your comments or letters confidential, you may e-mail them to me at as I will forward them to the Arkansas State Board of Parole for consideration.

Additionally, if you would like to learn more about Allen’s Story, please read the previous blog post by clicking the following link:

With Much Love and Gratitude,

Angela Fortune


  1. Allen Fortune was a sweet, well-manored, loving, and kind gentleman. I knew him almost his whole life. He worked hard on the farm, was kind to animals and people, and he put others before himself always offering to help. Allen was taken from this world too early by someone not like him. Chad Hamilton has a history being thoughtless, wreckless, and not putting others before himself and not considering their feelings at all. Obviously, the cold murder of my friend without so much as antagonization or risk of harm, Chad proved once again that he holds no regard to others' feelings or life itself. I oppose the premature release of Chad Hamilton and fear for my family and my community that our justice system will allow him to make additional mistakes in the future before they learn that Chad Hamilton is a threat to the safety of our society. He showed no remorse to the family and took an innocent life. He does not deserve to be released and offered another chance to harm others. God will have justice however He will some day, but it is our responsibility on earth to protect our society from dangerous criminals. Please protect us by allowing Chad Hamilton to finish the sentence he was given for his crime. Thank you,
    Concerned friend to Tig, Bethany Franklin (Stuttgart/Bryant, Arkansas)

  2. Chad Hamilton needs to finish his original sentence of 20 yrs. This will serve as a deterent for others of our society. Very sorry that a loving, dedicated,Christian life was lost...You all have been blessed! Many prayers to you & your mission.
    Concerned friend of a Special friend,
    Danielle (Coates)Childress

  3. My sister was murdered in 1993 by her boyfriend and he only served 1 year in prison because they said "since he was drunk he didn't know what he was doing". He beat her so bad that we had to have a closed casket. She left behind an 8 year old boy who has grown up without a mother. This person should finish his sentence and not be released into society.

  4. Allen was a wonderful person, full of life and was kind to everyone he met. I miss him terribly and I know his family will always miss him. I feel that Chad Hamilton should have to serve his full sentence, and then some. When he took Allen Fortune's life, he also took a little bit of everyone that knew him, epically, from his family. His family is truly a jewel to anyone that knows them. His parents raised him to be a wonderful kind caring person, just like his brothers and sisters. You just do not find people as kind and loving as the Fortune' just don't. My heart goes out to Angela, she is a true angel in every form. I will always hold the friendship I had with Allen in my heart and his family in my prayers.

  5. I oppose the release of Chad Hamilton. He has received a minimal sentence for taking the life of an innocent person. Releasing him early would be a travesty. He has shown disregard for human life and should not be allowed back into society without finishing his sentence.
    V. Albuck, friend of the Fortune family

  6. I oppose the release of a convicted murderer, Chad Hamilton, who stole the hopes and dreams of another human being. His family still suffers to this day for his actions. Please respect the sentence the law handed to this person who had a willful disregard for not only the life of Allen, but for his entire family who continues to be affected on a daily basis. Do NOT set this murderer free!
    J. Mihlon, friend of the Fortune family

  7. I think that this man should not be let out of prison. It is not fair to anyone who knew Allen Fortune, anyone who knew his family, anyone who has even heard his story, or even anyone in this soceity.If this man was able to take the life of an innocent other, why should he be released, especially after such a short sentece. Therefore, he shold not only remain in prison for the rest of his sentence, but for the rest of his life. This man has not only caused a great amount of distress to a wonderful caring family, but to numerous people who have heard this story. There is no justification for a murder, thus this man who commited this horrible crime that not only took a life, but took a peice of so many different people's heart, should not be released from jail at all in his life time. Allen, was a brother,a son, a friend, and so much more. It was not fair to him to have his life taken at such a young age and it was not fair to his family either. So please, do not let his murderer out of prison...

  8. Chad Hammilton should stay in prison!

  9. I never met Allen... However, I know Angela enough to firmly say that any brother of hers must have been a good man with a big heart. He did what many people never have the courage to do.. that is to not simply stand by when wrongdoing is witnessed. I plead that justice be served and that Allens murderer be fairly punished.

  10. I would like to see the justice system work for all parties involved, that being for the man that took Allen's life and the survivors of Allen's family. I believe that Chad should be punished fairly, he should serve what was rendered to him originally (20 years). To my knowledge that sentence has been dramatically reduced and allowing him to be paroled now would not be fair to Allen's family nor Chad. People need to understand that there are consequences to every decision we make, good or bad, Chad chose to commit murder and for that decision he needs serve out the remainder of his sentence.
    Jennifer Bayne

  11. I oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton. His actions ended the life of a kind hearted man who was only trying to do the right thing. Unfortunately, there are too few people in this world who would stand up to wrong doing. Chad needs to serve out the sentence he was given. He chose to commit murder and now needs to live with the consequences.
    J. Kowaczek, friend of the Fortune family

  12. I, Amber Haney, am once again pleading with you, the Parole Board, not to grant Chad Hamilton an early parole. As a close friend of Allen's sister, Angela, I have seen the devastation that Mr. Hamilton has caused in her life. Mr. Hamilton was convicted of murder by a jury and sentenced to prison by a judge. I do not believe that Mr. Hamilton's sentence quite fits the crime that he committed. This stated, I also do not believe that early parole of Mr. Hamilton would honor Allen, his family, or our judicial system. I believe that Mr. Hamilton should serve his entire sentence given that he took Allen's life with such wreckless regard, and has, to my knowledge, shown no remorse for his actions. To imagine a convicted murderer being paroled early and being allowed to return to society makes me uneasy, and quite frankly, fearful. I ask you to put yourselves in the place of Allen's family, friends, and the community in which Allen was murdered, a community that Mr. Hamilton will most likely return to, and think about what you would want if you were any one of them. If you are like a majority of us, you would not want Mr. Hamilton paroled early. Thank you for your time.

    Amber Haney
    Little Rock, AR

  13. I am opposed to the early release of Chad Hamilton. I have known the Fortune family for a long time and I have seen how this has devastated their family. Allen was such a loving and kind person, always thinking of others. It would be a disservice to the public to release someone that is capable of doing this again. Please do the right thing and keep his killer behind bars where he belongs. He must be held accountable for his terrible actions. My prayers are with Angela and her family as they must once again fight for justice on behalf of their Allen. God Bless the Fortunes.

    Makki (Seago) Currie & family
    Texarkana, TX

  14. I didn't know Allen, but I have had the good fortune of knowing his lovely sister Angela. To think that someone would only get a minimal sentence (and not even have to complete the sentence) after taking the life of another human being absolutely makes my skin crawl. What is the price of human life? There is no punishment that will ever bring Allen back, but the least we, as citizens, can expect is that those guilty of such crimes will serve their entire punishment.

    Bobby Hartzog
    McKinney, Texas

  15. Chad Hamilton should not be released early. Allen was a terrific person and his murderer should serve the sentence he was given. Why would any sane person allow a murderer to go free early? Allen was one of the nicest and best people I ever had the privilege of meeting. A sentence of 10-20 years isn't near enough of a punishment and he should not be released even one second early. The Fortune family deserves justice for the loss of Allen.

    Eric Mulherin
    Little Rock, Arkansas

  16. Chad Hamilton definitely should not be released early. He deserves to FACE THE CONSEQUENCES of his conscious decision to take the life of Allen. As a concerned citizen, I do not want this man released early!

  17. chad should pay for taking away somebody as wonderful and cheerful as allen. there is basically nobody on this earth that could ever say a bad thing about allen and his actions. there are hundreds and of people that could say things about the horrible actions that chad did that lead to the end of such a magnificent mans life. hundreds of people have been effected by chad and he should stay for his complete term.

  18. I oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton. I ask that you please give Allen Fortune the justice that he deserves. So many times I've tried to forget that devastating night in May of 2004 and it feels like just yesterday. I have testified in both trials for Allen's justice and the hurt I felt is not even comparable to that of his family. Allen was a protector and compassionate young man. The hurt and pain that his family and friends feel will never go away. Chad Hamilton is a murderer and has taken something away from us that is irreplaceable. I fear the day that Chad Hamilton is released from prison so PLEASE help us keep this murderer in prison for his full term.

  19. Krysta Vann-OwensAugust 18, 2010

    I am absolutely sickened by this news of Chad Hamilton's early release. Its absolutely ridiculous. Allens death has had a major impact on our community, and myself. I was ten feet away from allen the night he was murdered and know for a fact that this man deserves way more than he has received. I can't believe our court system is so messed up, that even after two trials they still want to let him out so soon. I was there through chads trial and know how hard it was for Tigs family, I can't imagine how hard it will be if Chad gets out.

    Angela you are in my prayers more than you know. I think about that night all the time and it has truly affected me for the rest of my life, my sympathy goes to you and your family. Your. mother and brother were both angels and I'm sure they are so very proud of you :) love you girl..stay strong.

    Krysta Vann-Owens
    Stuttgart, Ar.

  20. I am very much opposed to Chad Hamilton's release. I didn't know Allen very well, nor do I know Angela much. I am closer in age to Todd and Stoney, Allen's older brothers, with whom I was friends in school. I do remember on the occasions that Mrs. Jeannie let Todd and Stoney come to the skating rink with Christy and me, Allen was always there, and always a sweet, well-mannered little boy.

    Now, my own daughter is best friends with Allen's niece, Ashton. Ash is growing up without one of her uncles. All she has left are some photographs and her memories. What she should have is another uncle to protect her.

    Please do not release Mr. Hamilton.

    Sherry Young
    Roe, AR

  21. L. Brozik, Chicago, ILAugust 18, 2010

    Arkansas Parole Board:
    This note is to express my utter dismay over the potential for the early release of prisoner Chad Hamilton, who ruthlessly and out of total disregard for human life, brutally murdered Allen Fortune, as he was was merely trying to persuade Mr. Hamilton to leave the residence he had invaded. While I did not personnaly know Allen Fortune, his sister Angela, is a dear friend. I have personally witnessed her continued pain and suffering over the loss of her beloved brother, Allen. It is my understanding that Mr. Hamilton's original sentence was for 20 years, which was then reduced to 10 during an appeal. It seems to me that Mr. Hamilton has already received a huge break there and most definitely does not deserve to be set free after so little time served. I am very concerned about the safety of the local community and the Fortune family. Mr. Hamilton has already demonstrated before his lack of remorse and rehabilitation with arrests for intoxication and carrying a concealed knife while awaiting trial. Please do not release this criminal back into society before he has served his rightful time in jail!

  22. Wallace, ILAugust 19, 2010

    To The Arkansas Parole Board:
    This is a plea to ask that Chad Hamilton not be released early from prison for the brutal murder of Allen Fortune. Too often murderers are released early from prison for what is considered "good behavior" or "overcrowding." Where was Mr. Hamilton's good behavior the night he murdered Allen Fortune? Mr. Hamilton needs to continue his already reduced sentence to ponder why he took an innocent life. The Fortune Family has to live with this same question for the rest of their lives. They have to wonder, "Why was Allen taken away from them so soon?" The friends and family of Allen Fortune do not want another family to have to endure the pain and suffering that Allen's family has been experiencing since the night they received the call that Allen was murdered for trying to break-up a fight. If you can find it in your heart to enforce Mr. Hamilton's remaining sentence, the citizen of Arkansas, the family and friends of Allen Fortune will feel safe.

  23. Pierce TinioAugust 19, 2010

    Ms.Fortune i remember in reading when you would talk about Allen and we saw how much you loved him. so here i am. hopefully they'll keep that guy in jail and hopefully this helps even a little bit.

  24. There are so many prisoners that are held for more than 6 years on non-violent offenses, so to think that a murdered could be released after this short amount of time would be a huge injustice. Releasing a murderer after such a short sentence does not deter others from committing the same offense and I plead with you that you please deny his parole. 6 years is just not enough punishment when he took decades away from Tig's life and the lives of his friends and family.

  25. Allen was a good friend of my family. I thought of him as my older brother. When he was murdered I was to young to understand anything more than, my friend had died.It brought great grief to my family.. and the Stuttgart community.. I miss him allot.. I'm am very much apposed to Chad's release.. I know in my heart that God's in control.. He has been from the start. I miss Allen..And I just hope that the truth will be known and that Chad will end up where he belongs..
    Love and prayers
    Abigail Bormann..
    Stuttgart, AR

  26. The precious memories my wife and I have of this family are forever enscribed upon our minds. We shared many of their deep, deep concerns through the years . . . and especially at the time of the horrible murder of Allen. Jeannie's death, mother of Allen, was hastened by the unseemly events surrounding her son's murder. The lives of Allen's family members have been adversely effected, forever altered. This is to express opposition to the parole of Chad Hamilton, the convicted murderer. It is unconscionable for the Arkansas State Parole Board to even consider the release of this man back to the streets to further endanger society. This is a plea to not do so.
    Reverend Roy and Joaquin Crawford

  27. Gabriela and Gregory SnellAugust 20, 2010

    To the Arkansas State Parole Board,

    We are writing to plead with you NOT to release Chad Hamilton for parole. The grief caused by this man's deeds cannot be expressed in words. The gruesome murder of Allen Fortune has changed the lives and wounded the souls of his family and friends for ever. It is hard to comprehend how a human being can do such a thing to another human being, and it is even harder to comprehend that our system considers him for parole after such a short period of time given the crime he committed. Thank you for taking into account our pleads.

    Gabriela & Gregory Snell
    Lake Charles, LA

  28. Couldn't say it better than this earlier post: "I oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton. His actions ended the life of a kind hearted man who was only trying to do the right thing. Unfortunately, there are too few people in this world who would stand up to wrong doing. Chad needs to serve out the sentence he was given. He chose to commit murder and now needs to live with the consequences." - Amy Snow, Stuttgart, AR

  29. Judy QuandtAugust 20, 2010

    To the Arkansas State Parole Board

    I am speaking from experience about what can happen when a violent offender like Chad Hamilton is paroled. I, my husband, and two other people were the victims of a parolee. We did not know him. He came to our business after robbing, kidnapping and stealing another man's truck. This man shot my husband and almost killed him. He also shot the young man that was working for us. He was very violent and cruel to me. I do not understand letting a violent offender out on parole. They should have to serve every day they have been sentenced. I have known the Fortune family most of my life and I know how they must feel about this possible parole of the person that took their loved ones life and the thought that he could bring that kind of heartache and grief to another family. Please do not parole this man.

  30. Bruce MarshallAugust 20, 2010

    To the Arkansas Pardon and Parole Board, I strongly oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton. This convicted murderer, who was originally sentenced to 20 years then had that reduced to 10 years, also has shown no remorse. I understand that while awaiting trial he had further arrest for intoxication and again was armed with a knife. Not only is his early release, not a service of justice, but it is releasing a danger upon the citizenry. We are all responsible for what we do and say. It was Hamilton's decision to take a life that day, he needs to live with the consequences. Something else that needs to be brought to your attention is the fact that you too are responsible. If you release this man early and he hurts or God forbid kills someone else, you will in fact be complicit in that act. We have all known of these type tragedies happening, and we say to ourselves, not in my town, not in my county, or not in my state. Well sitting on this parole board, you have the chance to do the right thing and make sure that Chad Hamilton stays in prison for his full and legal sentence.Thank you for your consideration. Bruce Marshall

  31. Dear Members of the Arkansas Parole Board,

    As a close friend and current roommate of Angela Fortune, sister of Allen Fortune, I am humbly coming before you asking you to please consider my plea, and the unanimous plea of countless others, and deny Chad Hamilton’s early release from prison.

    I know that each of you consider decisions such as this with great deliberation, knowledge, and justice in mind. I believe that each of you do not allow a murderer to be released prematurely from prison without seriously considering the best interest of the victim’s family, beloved friends and affected communities.

    Therefore, as you weigh the grave decision of allowing Chad Hamilton to be released from prison, after having served less than half of his jury-determined sentence, I am begging you to put yourself in the shoes of Allen Fortune’s family, friends and the Stuttgart and Casscoe communities. I am asking you to think about Chad Hamilton’s release from prison as if the innocently murdered victim was your best friend, your sweet brother, your hard-working co-worker, your dear grandson, your beloved classmate, and your youngest son. I believe if you take even a moment to step into the lives of all of these people who dearly loved Allen Fortune, you will understand a glimpse of the pain, heartache and suffering each of them experienced and are still experiencing to this day because of Chad Hamilton’s careless and devastating actions.

    While I did not have the honor of knowing Allen Fortune here on this earth, I can attest to the lasting imprint he left on his family, friends and community as I have heard their countless stories that testify to Allen’s brave nature, caring demeanor and upstanding character. I can also confirm the ever-lasting heartache of Allen’s sweet sister, Angela Fortune, who spends her life honoring God and serving others, yet a piece of her continues to ache for the loss of her baby brother.

    Again, thank you for taking your time to consider my plea, consider the heartache and loss of the Fortune Family, consider the sorrow and concern of the Stuttgart and Casscoe communities, and consider the gravity of Chad Hamilton’s actions when he took an innocent life in May of 2004.

    Meredith White

  32. Meredith said it all and said it well. I also hope and pray that Chad Hamilton finishes out his full sentence. Most people don't endure in a lifetime what Angela Fortune has already endured, please don't add any more sorrow to her life.

    Laura Staples

  33. The Fortune family will live the rest of their lives with an ache in their hearts that will never go away. It is time for the criminal justice system to honorably serve the victim and not the criminal. There is no question that Chad Hamilton must remain incarcerated for the remainder of his too short sentence.
    Colleen Nick

  34. The decision to end the life of another human being deserves consequences to the full extent. The life of Allen was cut all too short by the selfish thoughts and action of Chad Hamilton who decided that he had the right to end someone else's life. For him to serve a few short years in prison then go out as a free man with possibly many years left of his own life, while the family and friends of Allen, live for years upon years upon years with grief, heartache, unanswered questions, cherished memories, and hopes and dreams for Allen that will never come true is simply unjust. Chad Hamilton deserves to serve every day of a sentence that already has mercy included in it. When you take the life of another into your own hands, you deserve for the same to happen to you. Please do not approve the parole of Chad Hamilton in his honor and memory as well as in the spirit of justice which this country claims to value and stand for.

  35. I, Sara Blanford, STRONGLY oppose the release of Chad Hamilton from prison. I have been a close friend of the Fortune family for many years. Allen was a good friend of mine, and his death has made a lasting impact on mine and so many other's lives! Angela and her family have been through enough! Please consider what is being brought before you, and I pray that you will make the right and just decision. Chad Hamilton took away a precious, young Christian man's life. Not only was Allen a loving friend, but he was a son, a brother, a cousin, and an uncle. He never got the chance in his short life to become a husband and a father. The impact that Allen's death has had on his family, his friends, the community, and even strangers who never had the awesome opportunity to meet him is immeasurable!!! We beg of you to please consider our pleas, and do NOT release this murderer from prison.

  36. I strongly oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton from prison. I was not a close friend of Allen's, but I did know much about him through my wife. Chad Hamilton is a murderer! A murderer deserves to serve the punishment that was given to him. Please consider the testimonies of so many who plead with you to not release this man.
    James Blanford

  37. Dear members of the AR parole board,
    We are asking you to please deny the request of Chad Hamilton to be released early from prison. I have known the Fortune family for many years. Allen was a special friend to my daughter, and Angela continues to be a very special person in her life. Please consider the consequences of what is being presented to you. A murderer deserves to serve his entire sentence. To release Chad Hamilton from prison even a day early would be like a slap in the face to the Fortunes, Allen's friends, and the entire community. I strongly oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton from prison!
    Marva Moyer

  38. Briana GroginAugust 29, 2010

    No more people should experience what Angela, her family and the community have experienced with the thoughtless murder of this sweet young man. Chad Hamilton must stay in prison. Keep senseless murderers off the streets and spare society future sorrows.

  39. I strongly oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton. He took the life of a wonderful person and dear friend to many, me included. Chad Hamilton killed an innocent man and all he is receiving is a slap on the wrist. Ten years is nothing when compared to the Fortune’s loss. I cannot fathom the negative impact Mr. Hamilton’s early release will have on the Stuttgart community. Please leave this murderer incarcerated!

    Chelsey Osburne

  40. Jeremiah StoneburnerAugust 30, 2010

    Six years ago I recieved a phone call about Angela's brother's murder that almost tore out my heart and rocked my faith in God and society. I know that the Forture family endured a terrible loss that day. They will no longer be able to create new memories of their son and brother.I do not believe that people who kill innocent bystanders should be allowed early release from prison. Please keep Chad Hamilton in prison for the remainder of his sentence.

  41. Stephen LivingstonAugust 31, 2010

    Chad Hamilton has shown no remorse for taking Allen Fortune's life and the hurt he has brought to Allen's friends and family. I believe that Chad continues to be a threat to society, and should not be released before his (already reduced) sentence of 10 years is served.

  42. I was in Sunday School with Allen Fortune's mother, Jeannie, when I was 3 years old, so she was a lifelong friend. Allen's father, Larry, and I were school mates. My sons were school mates of Todd and Stoney Fortune, Allen's older brothers. Allen and his sister Angela were my daughter Libby's dearest early childhood friends so I have a long knowledge of the character of this loving family. I,along with hundreds of other people who knew these kind people were devastated at the senselessness of Chad Hamilton's act when he murdered Allen Fortune and a fine young man with such promise lost his life for simply trying to protect other people and stop a fight.
    Allen has been mourned so sadly by so many. He does not get an early parole, or a short time death. His death and the grief of people who loved him lasts forever. There is no justice that will return him to the arms of his family, help him start a career, marry and have a family, grandchildren and future generations. If Chad Hamilton spent 100 years in prison for this murder it would not bring Allen back. The ONLY peace that Allen's family will ever have is in knowing that the person responsible for his death paid a fair penalty for his actions. I also point out that the last years of Allen's mother's life had to be spent in the knowledge that her youngest child had been brutally murdered, and while she was going through a long period of ill health before her death she also had to deal with this most horrible of griefs. How different that time would have been for this entire family if Allen had been there and they could have spent this special time before her early death as a whole family.
    I know that each crime committed has its own set of circumstances. I also believe that many people learn from their crimes and are not a danger to society and should be released early in some circumstances. I do not think that the murder of an innocent young man who was doing no one any harm is the type of crime that warrants an early release. I was appalled when I heard of the short sentence that Chad Hamilton received for this crime and the fact that he would even be considered for parole at this early date for this type of crime is a grave miscarriage of justice.
    Arkansas prisons are overcrowded which has necessitated releasing many prisoners before they would normally have been released. I beg of you, don't let this man be one of the ones that slips through the system cracks because of overcrowding. I am sure there are many more people that are incarcerated who have committed much lesser crimes and would be able to make a more productive contribution to society. Someone who has shown no remorse for his crime and who still frightens the citizens of his community should not be given early release. I know that you, the members of the Arkansas Parole Board, have serious decisions to make that impact many people's lives. I also know that you are conscientious in trying to make the right decisions. That must sometimes be hard. I ask you to seriously read all of these letters of concern and choose to keep Mr. Hamilton locked away from the citizenry for more time. His very short sentence that he has served is not a fair trade for young Allen Fortune's life.
    Thank you for your kind consideration. May God guide your decision.
    Kathy Senko

  43. Heather EckhartAugust 31, 2010

    As an American citizen, as a licensed counselor and social worker, as a daughter, as a friend, as a sister, as a new parent, and on behalf of Allen Fortune and his grieving family members and friends, I implore the Courts assistance in assuring that the offender serves the entire sentence assigned for his negligent decision to take an innocent life. Accountability and ownership for actions is lacking in our society and it is unfortunately up to the Court System to provide AND ENFORCE appropriate consequences to keep us all safe. Not only was Allen's young life taken, Allen's family has suffered unimaginable emotional damage as a result of another's poor self-control and lack of concern for human life. Ten years served in prison will not bring Allen back, but, it may assist in providing a "cause and effect" form of processing future impulsive behaviors and help keep another heinous incident from ending in death.

    Heather Eckhart, MSW, LCSW

  44. As a native of Arkansas, a friend of the Fortune family, and as one who values the sanctity of life, I am writing to this board to urge you to enforce the existing sentence that exists to not only rightfully protect the citizens of our great state, but also to hold this young man accountable for his heinous crime against a peaceful citizen. Taking Allen Fortune's life may have only taken a moment in time, but the impact of this crime leaves a lasting legacy. His mother died not only of natural causes, but also of heartbreak. His father and siblings and other relatives and friends live every day with not only the harrowing knowledge that their beloved has been stolen from them extremely prematurely. This is undeserved punishment enough for all those left behind. Please do not add insult to injury by allowing a convicted murderer to go free. Consider Allen when making your decision. Consider the wife and children that he was robbed of having. Consider his mother and what her words would be to you had she lived long enough to address you. Consider this and so much more as you make this most important, life-affecting decision. Citizens of this state, especially friends and family of the Fortune family are depending on you to do what you know is right.

    James Seawel

  45. annonymousAugust 31, 2010

    I didn't know Allen Fortune nor do I know the Fortune family, but I remember the news of this murder vividly. There is absolutely NO excuse for Chad Hamilton's actions, for murdering an innocent person. How horrific it must be for the family and friends of Allen to know it's possible that the person responsible for their loved one's murder could be released at anytime. Please do not release this man. If he is released, what does this say about accountability for one's actions? God will have the final judgment for Hamilton's actions, but it's the responsibility of our court system to protect it's citizens until that time. Hamilton should stay in prison.

  46. Dear Arkansas State Parole Board:
    As a concerned member of the community that was shattered by the murder of Allen Fortune at the reckless hands of Chad Hamilton I am appalled at the idea that a murderer sentenced to 10 years could be paroled in only 3 years. Only a miscarriage of justice could result in something like that happening. I could possibly understand such an occurrence if the details of the situation were different, such as a remorseful one time offender who took a life out of self defense. But the details of this case are so different. An unremorseful, self-centered individual who is a habitual law breaker took the life of an innocent human being. I just don't know what it says about the state of our judicial system when violent criminals can be released after serving such a small percentage of the sentence that was ordered. Such a travesty cheapens the value and sanctity of human life. I did not personally know Allen, but I was acquainted with his sister and mother. It is hard to imagine the pain and turmoil this loving family has endured because of one person's selfish and evil choices. Everyone in our community has heard countless stories of Allen's generosity, kindness, compassion, and love. It is always harder to understand why such tragedies happen to people who gave so much to their community and had the potential to give so much more. Please prayerfully consider your decision in this matter. Do not let yourself be an accomplice in a miscarriage of justice.
    Sincerely, Lisa Wright Frazier

  47. Andrea LivingstonSeptember 01, 2010

    Dear Arkansas Parole Board,

    I did not know Allen Fortune, but I know his sister Angela very well and love her dearly.
    Angela is an exceptional young woman. She is a very selfless and loving individual. She has improved the lives of countless children by integrating outstanding literacy programs into schools. I can only imagine that her brother would have been equally as positive a member of society. I have often wished that there were more Angela’s in this world. The Angela that I know, though, is one who is much wearier than she should be. For a young woman who works hard to help others, she has lost a great deal too soon and because her brother’s murderer is continually requesting parole, she is not able to distance herself from the night of Allen’s death.

    In 2004, Allen Fortune was stabbed in the heart by Chad Hamilton at a party. The details of what took place that night are not as relevant to me as the result of Mr. Hamilton’s action. He murdered Allen Fortune by stabbing him in the heart and then walked home.

    From reviewing some information about the case, I do not feel that Mr. Hamilton is ready to be released into society again. It doesn’t seem like he realizes that A) He committed murder or B) He is remorseful. Based on these findings, I believe that if he is let out prematurely, he will be a threat to public safety.

    I feel like Mr. Hamilton is continually filing for probation because he has not realized the extent of his actions. He is seeing how far he can push before you give up and just let him go. Mr. Hamilton needs more time in jail and he needs to show remorse to the victim’s family.

    Please issue a 10-yr parole denial so Angela can live her life and mourn her loss without the gruesome details of Allen’s murder being revisited.

    Thank you for your consideration,

    Andrea Livingston

  48. Melanie KarsanacSeptember 01, 2010

    As a law abiding citizen I am opposed to the release of Chad Hamilton. I want to live in a society that is safe and free of criminals with no conscience.

  49. I did not know Allen but I feel that if Chad Hamilton could carelessly do what he did, he should stay in prison. A sentence is a sentence, not a time out.

  50. April (Morgan) BurlesonSeptember 01, 2010

    Dear Arkansas Parole Board,

    As a friend of the Fortune family, I along with countless others, strongly oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton.

    It has only been a year since Angela and her family have had to relive the gruesome tragedy of her brother's death, something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Yet Chad is being considered for early release again without serving even 10 years, for MURDER. It is something I still do not understand, and hope you prayerfully consider this decision.

    I continue to pray for Angela and the Fortune family, Zach, and all of Allen's close friends whose life has been tragically impacted by Chad Hamilton's thoughtless actions.

    Again, please consider our requests and deny his release until he has completed his full 10 year sentence.

  51. There are consequences that occur because of sins committed. Murder is a sin and the person convicted needs to pay the price for his actions. I am opposed to Chad Hamilton's release.

  52. Dear Arkansas Parole Board,
    As the former crime victim advocate, working with Ar County Prosecutor, Robert Dittrich, I impore you to keep Chad Hamilton in prison for his entire sentence. I have known Allen since he was a child and he grew up to be a loving, protective young man. He worked very hard, was a productive member of our community and a kind soul. Chad Hamilton showed no remorse during either of the 2 trials Allen's family had to endure. He had young children that he was not taking care of, and when he was allowed out of jail, he showed his total lack of respect to authority by breaking the rules the judge had set for him to not return to Stuttgart. Chad Hamilton has no regard for rules, authority nor human life. If he is released before he serves his entire sentence, he has no reason to respect the laws or the United States judicial system.
    Sincerely, Susan Bradberry

  53. I oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton from prison. He should have to serve a much longer sentence than three years for choosing to murder another human being. It sounds as if he shows no remorse for his actions and would be a dangerous threat to society upon release. His sentence of ten years is already short; allowing release after only three years would be a terrible decision made by the parole board and would cause me to question the fundamental laws of the country in which we live.

  54. Lauren OsburneSeptember 01, 2010

    Dear Arkansas Parole Board,
    I strongly oppose the early release of Chad Hamilton. I knew Allen my entire life and grew up with him. His mother baby-sat me and he was like an older brother. I am still very close to his sister, Angela. Angela, still mourns for her brother today. It is not fair that she should lose someone so precious to her when she needed him the most. It is such a tragedy that we lost this precious man. I was with the family the day after he was murdered. I saw their sorrow and witnessed the sorrow of an entire community. On that day, so much was lost. Allen was a wonderful, kind, hardworking, and compassionate person. I will never be able to forget that awful day when I heard of Allen’s tragic murder. I remember it vividly. I can feel and see the tears of his friends and family. I remember the grief and pain that I felt.
    I also fear for the community, Allen’s family and his friends if Chad Hamilton is released. So many people have been affected by Chad’s actions. I hope that our justice system realizes the gravity of releasing Chad Hamilton. He took a man’s life. Allen was a co-worker, a student brother, an uncle, a son, and a friend. I ask you to do what is right. Please do not release Chad Hamilton.
    Lauren Osburne

  55. AnnaLee LivingstonSeptember 02, 2010

    I, AnnaLee Livingston, petition the Arkansas State Parole Board to uphold the sentence that was given to Chad Hamilton for the murder of Allen Fortune. As I have intimately walked alongside the Fortune family through their darkest days, I have seen first-hand the devastating and earth-shattering impact this man, Chad Hamilton, has had on not only one family but on scores of family and friends whose lives will never be the same. Allen is missed every day and hearts still ache over the void that was left when his life was so tragically ripped away.

    I humbly ask that you uphold the sentence handed down to Mr. Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton will still have the opportunity to live his life, however, there is no parole for the sentence he handed down to Allen Fortune.

    With deep respect,
    AnnaLee Livingston

  56. Esperanza MassanaSeptember 07, 2010

    I have had the privilege of knowing Angela Fortune for 10 years. She is an incredible friend that has a deep love and compassion for EVERYONE around her.

    Angela's family grieved deeply with the loss of their son, Allen. I never had the opportunity to meet him, but can only imagine he was an incredible person, just like his sister. It is because of my friendship and sisterhood with Angela, that I support her. With all due respect I ask you to please consider all of our requests and to act wisely, as an early release is not a good idea for the community.

    We all love Angela and her family and with all of our hearts want them to have peace in this situation, for they deserve it. We all want the best for our loved ones, and in this particular case, I want for my friend Angela to have peace knowing that the case was correctly handled by the authorities.

    Thank you so much and in advance,

    Esperanza Massana
